Room to spare -- Sonoma Co. in the database

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Room to spare -- Sonoma Co. in the database

Post by JAMAUGHN »

Sonoma County has a total of 128 records. Of these, 23 are from 2011. No reptile species has more than four entries. Salamanders are pretty well accounted for, in terms of number of species, anyway. Everything else is…sparse.

Herps Vouchered in Sonoma County:

Charina bottae - Northern Rubber Boa (One record)
Contia tenuis -Sharptailed Snake (Two records)
Crotalus oreganus oreganus -Northern Pacific Rattlesnake (Four records)
Diadophis punctatus amabilis -Pacific Ring-necked Snake (Four records)
Lampropeltis getula californiae – California Kingsnake (Three records)
Pituophis catenifer catenifer -Pacific Gopher Snake (One record. Really, one. From 2010)
Thamnophis elegans elegans -Mountain Gartersnake (One record)
Thamnophis elegans terrestris -Coast Gartersnake (Two records)
Thamnophis sirtalis infernalis - California Red-sided Gartersnake (Three records)

Elgaria coerulea shastensis -Shasta Alligator Lizard (Two records, both from 2008))
Elgaria multicarinata multicarinata -California Alligator Lizard (Two records, from 2010)
Plestiodon skiltonianus skiltonianus –Skilton’s Skink (Three records)
Sceloporus occidentalis - Western Fence Lizard (Two records)
Sceloporus occidentalis occidentalis – NorthWestern Fence Lizard (Two records)

Actinemys marmorata -Western Pond Turtle (one record)

Ambystoma californiense - California Tiger Salamander(Only one entry, from 2010)
Aneides lugubris -Arboreal Salamander
Aneides flavipunctatus flavipunctatus -Speckled Black Salamander
Batrachoseps attenuatus -California Slender Salamander
Dicamptodon ensatus -California Giant Salamander
Ensatina eschscholtzii – Ensatina (Four records)
Ensatina eschscholtzii oregonensis – Oregon Ensatina (Four records)
Ensatina eschscholtzii xanthoptica -Yellow-eyed Ensatina (Five records)
Taricha rivularis –Red-bellied Newt
Taricha granulosa – Rough-skinned Newt (One record)
Taricha torosa torosa -Coast Range Newt (One record)

Frogs and Toads:
Pseudacris sierra -Sierran Treefrog
Rana draytonii -California Red-legged Frog (Four records, from 2010)
Rana boylii - Foothill Yellow-legged Frog (One Record, from 2009)

Potentially mislabeled herps:

Nothing jumped out, although the ensatinas are little confusing.

Expected in Sonoma County, (according to G. Nafis's range maps) but absent so far:

Coluber constrictor mormon -Western Yellow-bellied Racer
Coluber lateralis lateralis -California Striped Racer
Contia longicaudae -Forest Sharp-tailed Snake
Diadophis punctatus occidentalis -Northwestern Ring-necked Snake?
Hypsiglena torquata nuchalata - California Nightsnake
Lampropeltis zonata -California Mountain Kingsnake (a Hubbsian degree of certainty. :) )
Tantilla planiceps - Western Black-headed Snake
Thamnophis atratus – Aquatic Gartersnake (intergrades)

Uta stansburiana elegans -Western Side-blotched Lizard (unlikely)
Aspidoscelis tigris munda -California Whiptail
Elgaria coerulea coerulea – San Francisco Alligator Lizard
Sceloporus graciosus gracilis – Sagebrush Lizard
Sceloporus occidentalis bocourtii – Coast Range Fence Lizard

Trachemys scripta elegans -Red-eared Slider
Chelydra serpentina serpentina – Eastern Snapping Turtle
Lepidochelys olivacea – Olive Ridley Sea Turtle

Lithobates catesbeianus -American Bullfrog
Anaxyrus boreas halophilus – Southern California Toad
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Re: Room to spare -- Sonoma Co. in the database

Post by jonathan »

Man, Sonoma could use a lot of work. And it's so close to San Fran. I've herped it once - only got to one locale, but it was a beautiful locale. Too bad it was in the dead of winter and I could only get salis. There's a lot of stuff that could be found there.
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Re: Room to spare -- Sonoma Co. in the database

Post by JAMAUGHN »

I'm going to make some trips up there in the Spring. I used to walk in Sonoma Co. a lot when I was a kid, and there's a lot to be found.

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Re: Room to spare -- Sonoma Co. in the database

Post by Brian Hubbs »

There's no "maybe" about zonata being there...
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Re: Room to spare -- Sonoma Co. in the database

Post by Fundad »

I spent a lot of time there as a teenager... I have some official business to attend to up there this year, therefore you will see me hammer Sonoma County this year, hopefully.

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Re: Room to spare -- Sonoma Co. in the database

Post by Natalie McNear »

Hypsiglena is unlikely to be present in Sonoma, it's more of an inner Coast Range species. Uta I don't think occurs anywhere near Sonoma County...? I have some boards set up for Zonata up there, but no luck yet. Although, I guess I would have better luck if I checked them more than twice a year...
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Re: Room to spare -- Sonoma Co. in the database

Post by Brian Hubbs »

Night snakes are definitely there, I have seen them...not common, but they do show up...

Fundad: That's funny, I was going to hammer Sonoma county next year :lol:
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Re: Room to spare -- Sonoma Co. in the database

Post by JAMAUGHN »

The "maybe" has been removed from Zonata.

For those, like myself, who spend a lot of time wandering about in the state park system, be aware that Sonoma is being pretty well hammered by the proposed park closures. I'm still hoping those won't really happen, but its looking more and more likely. For anyone unfamiliar with the park closure list, you can see it here:

Painful, but it "saves" CA one tenth of one percent of its overall budget, so I guess it's worth it. :roll:
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Re: Room to spare -- Sonoma Co. in the database

Post by Natalie McNear »

The state park closures have the inevitable positive side effect of fewer people in the park at any given time, making it easier to go herping. You have to look on the bright side of a bleak situation. :thumb:
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Re: Room to spare -- Sonoma Co. in the database

Post by JAMAUGHN »

True... though in some cases, not all, it will also mean a much heftier fine for being caught inside. And that's assuming that the parkland doesn't get parceled and sold off to developers, as was a possibility for at least one of the Sonoma Parks. (Though I think that's off the table for the time being.)

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Re: Room to spare -- Sonoma Co. in the database

Post by Natalie McNear »

I think you only have to worry about a fine if you're planning on breaking open the gates and driving your car in. :lol: It's still fine for people to walk in and use the park, just don't count on being able to use bathrooms or other amenities.
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Re: Room to spare -- Sonoma Co. in the database

Post by JAMAUGHN »

I think you're right in most cases. The way I've had it explained to me by a ranger friend of mine is that a small number of parks will be "shuttered" meaning all access will be denied. She was kind of livid about this, since it meant that the parks would still need to be patrolled. (Thus costing money...) The rest would be open at an "at your own risk" capacity.

What the rangers are particularly worried about, as I understand it, is some of the larger parks basically becoming marijuana farms.

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Re: Room to spare -- Sonoma Co. in the database

Post by Fieldnotes »

Natalie McNear wrote:I think you only have to worry about a fine if you're planning on breaking open the gates and driving your car in. :lol: It's still fine for people to walk in and use the park, just don't count on being able to use bathrooms or other amenities.

I agree with Natalie and that has been my experience when visiting closed parks (so far).
Jackson Shedd
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Re: Room to spare -- Sonoma Co. in the database

Post by Jackson Shedd »

JAMAUGHN wrote: Expected in Sonoma County, (according to G. Nafis's range maps) but absent so far:

Coluber constrictor mormon -Western Yellow-bellied Racer
Coluber lateralis lateralis -California Striped Racer
Contia longicaudae -Forest Sharp-tailed Snake
Diadophis punctatus occidentalis -Northwestern Ring-necked Snake?
Hypsiglena torquata nuchalata - California Nightsnake
Lampropeltis zonata -California Mountain Kingsnake (a Hubbsian degree of certainty. :) )
Tantilla planiceps - Western Black-headed Snake
Thamnophis atratus – Aquatic Gartersnake (intergrades)

Uta stansburiana elegans -Western Side-blotched Lizard (unlikely)
Aspidoscelis tigris munda -California Whiptail (Outside chance…)
Elgaria coerulea coerulea – San Francisco Alligator Lizard
Sceloporus graciosus gracilis – Sagebrush Lizard (iffy)
Sceloporus occidentalis bocourtii – Coast Range Fence Lizard

Trachemys scripta elegans -Red-eared Slider
Chelydra serpentina serpentina – Eastern Snapping Turtle
Lepidochelys olivacea – Olive Ridley Sea Turtle

Lithobates catesbeianus -American Bullfrog
Anaxyrus boreas halophilus – Southern California Toad
FYI, there are museum vouchers for Sceloporus graciosus and Aspidoscelis tigris collected in Sonoma Co.
Hypsiglena is unlikely to be present in Sonoma, it's more of an inner Coast Range species.
This one's vouchered from Sonoma Co. as well.
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Re: Room to spare -- Sonoma Co. in the database

Post by JAMAUGHN »

Thanks, Jackson. I was just going off the HERP database, but it's good to know that those have been confirmed for the county.

Jackson Shedd
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Re: Room to spare -- Sonoma Co. in the database

Post by Jackson Shedd »

I know. The species I mentioned were those about which you and Natalie indicated doubt.
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Re: Room to spare -- Sonoma Co. in the database

Post by abarrett »

Planiceps in Sonoma county?! :shock: I didn’t know about that! I’ve gotta try to find one of those, I think I ma know the general area. Also what is the reason for the ? behind the northwestern ringneck snake?

Btw I have found many Whiptails in Sonoma county now, and I entered one into naherp.
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Re: Room to spare -- Sonoma Co. in the database

Post by abarrett »

abarrett wrote: August 27th, 2024, 2:34 pm Planiceps in Sonoma county?! :shock: I didn’t know about that! I’ve gotta try to find one of those, I think I may know the general area. Also what is the reason for the ? behind the northwestern ringneck snake?

Btw I have found many Whiptails in Sonoma county now, and I entered one into naherp.
Richard F. Hoyer
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Re: Room to spare -- Sonoma Co. in the database

Post by Richard F. Hoyer »

As I recall, there is one (or two specimens) Forest Sharp-tailed Snake in the Pudget Sound Univeristy collection that came from Sonoma County. The snakek or snakes were collected by Chris Maser and Dr. Kenneth Gordon I believe in the first small drainage north of Fort Rock State Park.

Richard F. Hoyer (Corvallis, Oregon)
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Re: Room to spare -- Sonoma Co. in the database

Post by abarrett »

Do you mean Fort Ross State Park? I can't find a Fort Rock State Park in Sonoma County...
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Re: Room to spare -- Sonoma Co. in the database

Post by Richard F. Hoyer »

If you do a Google search (Fort Ross State Park is in what County?), you should get the following: "Fort Ross Historic State Park is located in Sonoma County."
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Re: Room to spare -- Sonoma Co. in the database

Post by abarrett »

Yes, ok, I was slightly confused, thank you :) I might try to find a longicaudae up there sometime… maybe :lol:
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Re: Room to spare -- Sonoma Co. in the database

Post by abarrett »

The fact that planiceps is on that list has been bugging the hell out of me! :evil: I have to ask again. Is there really potentially for them? If so, I will attempt to turn one up (before I die :thumb: )
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